The Assistant Professor of Football: Soccer, Culture, History.
The academic treatment for English-speakers who get that soccer is more than gamedays, stars and goals. Who wonder about the histories, subcultures and politics that make the game so different from many American sports cultures; and who care about a critical take on soccer as a global capitalist machine. A European-guided journey, with one expert "visiting professor" each episode.
The Assistant Professor of Football: Soccer, Culture, History.
Moldy Oranges in Karl-Marx-City: Berliner FC Dynamo, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and the Forgotten Past of East German Soccer
Between the late 1970s and the late 1980s, Dynamo Berlin, a club closely associated with the Communist East German Republic’s secret police, won the country’s title ten consecutive times. The hatred of the team across the country united its fans, but also provided the perhaps most prominent kind of complaint and grumbling that the GDR’s citizens had against the regime that ruled them. In 1989, that regime crumbled and fell. And so did Dynamo. Alan McDougall is a historian at the University of Guelph in Canada. He has written The People’s Game: Football, State and Society in East Germany, and takes us on the wild ride through a nation that is no more, with a club that polarizes Germany to this day.
Please leave a quick voicemail with any feedback, corrections, suggestions - or just greetings - HERE.
Video Collage of BFC’s glory years, with the song “Wann wird Dynamo wieder Meister?” (“When Will Dynamo be Champions Again?”) by 4xD
Andreas Auslauf - … Sein (“How it Should be”)
Feeling B - Ich Such die DDR (“I’m, searching for the GDR, and no one knows where she is”)
Namenlos - Nazis Wieder in Ostberlin ("Nazis Back in East Berlin")
Texts, Websites:
Alan McDougall, The People’s Game:Football, State and Society in East Germany
“What Happened to the Record East German Champions” (article from Matt Ford @matt_4d from Episode 1 for Deutsche Welle)
“Das randalierende Rätsel” (“The rioting enigma”), German TV Documentary from 1992 about BFC’s hools in the 1990s
“Dynamo Berlin: the soccer club “owned” by the Stasi” (2016 article from David Crossland via CNN)
Bonus, about the music: Arun Starkey, “Exploring the Importan
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Artwork for The Assistant Professor of Football is by Saige Lind
Instrumental music for this podcast, including the introduction track, is by the artist Ketsa and used under a Creative Commons license through Free Music Archive: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ketsa/